Here you can access the latest, online edition of Helsby News, a quarterly magazine, full of news and comment on issues of concern to the residents of Helsby and aiming to keep the village informed about local events and happenings. You can read or download the latest edition by clicking on the ‘Copy Archive’ section and back copies can also be found here. Helsby News is written, edited and distributed entirely by volunteers. A small Editorial Team of four is supported by a bank of dedicated contributors who regularly send the latest news from their clubs and associations. Helsby News is delivered throughout the village by an equally dedicated team of more than 40 distributors who give their time voluntarily to make sure that Helsby News reaches approximately 2,500 homes and businesses. Copies can also be found in the Library, and the Health Centre.

Issue 110 Autumn 2024 available  from this link


                 EDITORIAL TEAM

Marj Thoburn
Gary O’Neill
Chris Ellams
Vicky Mohring
Margaret Marsh

Helsby News is printed by: Neuromuscular Centre
Supported by: Helsby Parish Council
Design kindly provided by  Carswell Creative

                    NEWS IN BRIEF

Enjoy the Autumn 2024 issue of Helsby News
which is delivered throughout the village by volunteers.
We could use some help to keep the Helsby News appearing
every quarter so if you have a nose for news, enjoy a little
creative writing or taking photographs which tell a story,
contact the Editorial Team, we would be delighted to hear from you.