Helsby News started life, in the late 90’s, as an offshoot of a computer club run for local youngsters.
The first edition ran to 250 copies and founders Frank Thomas and Paul Fry had to show determination to keep it going. Finding funding was a major issue in those early days. Now, thankfully, some eighty plus editions later, the cost of printing Helsby News is met by Helsby Parish Council. The current Editorial Team members - living in Helsby - are: Marj Thoburn Gary O’Neill Chris Ellams Vicky Mohring and Margaret Marsh. The Team’s aim is to keep residents informed about local issues, and generally encourage participation in local activities. Team members enjoy getting behind village campaigns and projects. They meet regularly to keep abreast of what’s happening and to agree the content of the forthcoming edition. Publication is in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and regular contributors have advance notice of copy deadlines for the year. It normally takes 2 to 3 weeks to get the paper ready for the printers and dates for distribution are also known in advance so all volunteers can diary  their time commitment.  Contributions are always welcome - local news or future activities, and photographs too - subject to space and of course, editing. Contact us by filling in the form on the Contact Us Page